17th November 2022
Northern Trust Company is pleased to announce that it has entered into a planning promotion agreement with the private landowner on land at Shortheath Road, in Moira, Leicestershire.
The land which extends to 12 acres is currently a Greenfield site in agricultural use. The plans for the site will be promoted with the aim of providing up to 100 new homes.
Fisher German acted as agents on behalf of the landowner. Matthew Handford, Associate at Fisher German commented “The landowner was an existing client of Fisher German, and they were looking to obtain additional income to support their farming enterprise. The Agri-Business Department liaised with the Development Agency department, and we reviewed the landowner’s ownership area and identified a land parcel as having development potential.
The Development Agency Department then advised the landowner on the options available and gained instructions to seek a strategic development partner. The landowner was impressed by Northern Trust’s track record and successes as a land promoter and their instructions were to proceed with their proposal.
We now look forward to Northern Trust taking the promotion of the land forward.”
David Jones, Senior Land Manager at Northern Trust added “We are actively looking for further residential and commercial land opportunities to purchase or promote throughout the UK; so we are pleased to be working with this private landowner on facilitating the plans for development of this strategic site to provide much needed new homes for the area and continue the investment for the benefit of the local community. We now look forward to working with our professional team and engaging with stakeholders to secure an allocation.”
Northern Trust is one of the most successful and long established land promotion company’s in the Country, with a land bank of over 5,000 acres. If you are a landowner and want to maximise the value of your land either on a sale or promotional basis; then please contact a member of the land team on 01257 238555 to discuss.
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20th December 2024
19th December 2024
20th November 2024